Masturbation Challenge – Day 15 – Are we there yet?!

  • Date: 5/16/16
  • Time: 1:57AM
  • Location: Bedroom (of Family Home)
  • Duration: 7:29
  • # of Edges (Nearly climaxing and then backing away): 3
  • Pass/Fail: PASS

This is truly an endurance challenge. Not just in the sense that I'm trying to last longer, but also in the sense that every night I have to force myself to participate in this challenge. Over the past few nights, especially tonight, I've had zero desire to pleasure myself. I'm exhausted from my action-packed time at home, and I just want to sleep. However, the challenge continues on, and so I must choke my chicken.

Tonight's session was unusual. I had less control over my thoughts due to my sleep deprivation. My mind regularly wandered to thoughts of women, which made it much easier to find my edge. I tried to stay present with just my bodily sensations, but alas my fantasies got the best of me. Is anyone reading this? Penis, penis, penis. Sometimes I wonder whether this blog is secretly turning someone on. Probably not. I must sleep now. 


Dickboy Jr.

Cameron Poter
